3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code
3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code

3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code
  1. #3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code verification
  2. #3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code code

Q <= 1’b0 / here 1'b0 means one bit number value zeroĮlse / if reset_in is low or false then q<= d_inįig. If (reset_in) / if reset_in is high or true then q <= 1'b0 * always block is the block who's statements are executed sequentially here the block will executed when clk_in is in positive edge or reset_in is in positive edge *// Output reg q / output variable of the d flip flop is (posedge clk_in or posedge reset_in) Input d_in, clk_in, reset_in / input variables of the d flip flop is defined

#3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code code

Nand_g nand_4(qbar_out, q_out, x) / NAND agte module is calledĮndmodule Verilog Code for D flip flop with Asynchronous Reset module dflip_flop_asy_rst (q, d_in, clk_in, reset_in) Nand_g nand_3(q_out, qbar_out, y) / NAND gate module is called Nand_g nand_2(y, clk_in, dbar) /NAND gate module is called with y, clk_in and dbar parameter Nand_g nand_1(x, clk_in, d_in) /NAND gate module is called with x, clk_in and d_in parameter

3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code

Not_g not_1(dbar, d_in) /NOT gate module is called with dbar and d_in parameter Output q_out, qbar_out / output of the D flip flop q_out and qbar_out where q_out and qbar_out is compliment to each other Input d_in, clk_in / input variable of D flip flop d_in is the data input and clk_in is the clock input * this module defines a d flip flop which will be design with NAND gate and NOT gate *// Module d_ff_st(q_out, qbar_out, d_in, clk_in ) Output e / e is the output variable of the NOT gate Input f / f is the input variable to the NOT gate Module not_g(e, f) / this block defines the NOT gate Output c / output variable of NAND gate is definedĪssign c = ~(a & b) / this assign is used to derive the value of c through a and bĮndmodule /module end with endmodule statement Input a, b / a and b is the input variable to the NAND gate Verilog Code for D flip flop using NAND gates module nand_g(c, a, b) //*each module contains statements that defines the circuit, this module defies a NAND gate which is named as nand_g*// Here, all the code is designed with D flip flop whether VHDL or Verilog code.

#3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code verification

Verilog was originally for stimulation and verification of digital circuits, it is a hardware description language (HDL).

  • VHDL Code for Asynchronous Counter using D flip flop.
  • VHDL Code for 8 bit Register using D flip flop.
  • 4 bit Shift Register using D flip flop VHDL Code.
  • VHDL Code for Negative Edge Triggered D flip flop.
  • VHDL Code for D flip flop with Synchronous Reset.
  • VHDL Code for D flip flop with Asynchronous Reset.
  • VHDL Code for D flip flop using Structural Model.
  • VHDL Code for D flip flop using Dataflow Modelling.
  • Frequency Divider using D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • JK flip flop using D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • Verilog Code for T flip flop using D flip flop.
  • V erilog Code for Ring Counter using D flip flop.
  • Verilog Code for D flip flop using Structural Model.
  • Negative Edge Triggered D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • Positive Edge Triggered D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • 4 bit Ripple Counter using D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • 4 bit Shift Register using D flip flop Verilog Code.
  • Verilog Code for D flip flop using Dataflow Modelling.
  • Verilog Code for D flip flop using NAND gates.
  • After reaching 11, the counter resets to 00 and starts to count from 00 again. As you can observe from the timing diagram, the counter counts from o0 to 11. The change of state of flip-flops for each occurrence of the clock pulse is shown in the below timing diagram. This output again toggles, when the output of JK FF1 goes high HIGH. When the JK FF2 gets triggered, it produces a toggled output.Īs we have assumed the initial state of JK FF2 as Q B = 0, the output will get toggled to Q B = 1. Whenever the Q A output goes high, at the falling edge of its output, the JK FF2 will get triggered.

    3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code 3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code

    The output of the first flip-flop(JK FF1) is given as a clock pulse input for the second flip-flop(JK FF2). The toggling of JK FF1 continues for each clock pulse. For the next clock pulse, again JK FF1 will toggle its output to logic 0. During the first clock pulse, that is at the falling edge of the clock pulse, JK FF1 will toggle its output state to logic 1. Let us assume the initial state of flip-flop as Q BQ A = 00. The clock pulse is digitally counted at the output Q A and Q B, where Q A is the Least significant bit(LSB) and Q B is the most significant bit(MSB). The HIGH or logic 1 is maintained at the T-input of both flip-flops. The output(Q A) of the first flip-flop is fed as the clock input for the second flip-flop. The clock pulse input is given to the first flip-flop only.

    3 bit aynchornous ripple counter verilog code