Jay z on to the next one official
Jay z on to the next one official

Jay z on to the next one official tv#

ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS SET UP TO INFLUENCE THE MASSES TO LIVE IMMORAL LIVES!!!!! WHY DOES IT TAKE SOMEONE LIKE JAY-Z BOASTNG ABOUT BEING A MASON FOR US AS CHRISTIANS TO STOP LISTENING TO HIS MUSIC!!!! IF WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING IN THEIR LYRICS, OR ON THEIR TV SHOWS, OR IN THEIR MOVIES GOES AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD, THEN AS A TRUE CHRISTIAN WE ARE TO VOLUNTARILY ABSTAIN FROM IT, NO EXCUSES!!!!! They decide what kind of pollution they are going to pump through your television, into your household, and eventually into you brain. This man not only holds the copyright for the New International Version Bible AND the SATANIC bible, but is a pronographer AND is a part of the NEWS CORPORATION, which runs Fox News, CNN, and pretty much ANY mainstream media channel. I would encourage you all to research a man named Rupert James Murdock. Jay-z is just a SMALL piece in the puzzle to the GIANT spectrum. shows, movies) are made to lead the MASSES astray from the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven. Once you die you can’t make it right!!!ĪLL mainstream media (i.e. Jus remember its never to late to repent and turn from your evil ways unless you are dead. And for those of you who choose to ignore the warning to stop following these artist who sold there souls I pray that god jesus christ have mercy on your souls and that he brings someone in your lives to change your minds. He talks about how he wants his soul back and the devil refuses to give it back. Better yet look up the lyriCs to eminem song my darling. Look up the lyrics to empire state of mind by jay z and read the lyrics. Look at tupac dead because he wanted out. Why you think you have these same artist who sold there souls try to get it back. People who sell there souls aren’t happy. If he wanted to live the life style he has and not drag others down with him then it wouldn’t be a problem but because there are innocent people out there who don’t know what we know as children of jesus christ it is our duty to help and infor our brothers and sisters in christ who don’t knnow or see the bigger picture so they don’t burn in hell with them who choose to do wrong. For you people saying leave jay z alone and that what he doin don’t affect us you are wrong.

jay z on to the next one official

I would rather have my lord and savior jesus christ then anything else.

jay z on to the next one official

And even if it did when you die you can’t take it wit you.

jay z on to the next one official

And they end up selling there souls for something that dosent last a life time. Its really said because most people turn to the music industry to get fame and fortune. My parents have been educating me on all of this.

Jay z on to the next one official